Daily Leo Horoscope February 15 (15/02)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

February 15


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 9/10

Getting the taste for something is bound to encourage you to want more and thats fine if youre accepting of more effort that will be required from you to enjoy more of whatever-it-is. If youre discovering your hunch was correct about a plan bringing you some deserved attention, then there are ways in which you can build upon the momentum youve managed to create. You dont necessarily have to work harder, you just need to make effort more consistently.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Ideas you have to enhance or stabilize your financial situation could be coming thick and fast so be discerning about which ones or, preferably, one you pursue. Spreading yourself too thinly could result in disappointment when a more focused approach will bring of reassurance and boost your optimism levels. Try to separate what does and doesnt allow you to express your creative side. Its possible youre not making the most of a creative talent you possess.


summary leo weekly

Star 8/10

Whilst it could become clear this week that youre having to apply guesswork to a situation you wish you had more facts available within, you can afford to relax and trust that you can take at face value what youre seeing or are being encouraged to accept is real. As the Sun links with Saturn, your instincts can fill in gaps where gaps exist. You have a more accurate understanding or grasp of a situation than youre giving yourself credit for having. Thats about to become clear.


summary leo monthly

Star 9/10

For many Lions, an educational pursuit becomes a priority during coming weeks, either to embark upon a new level of learning or advance what has been achieved. As your solar sector of broadening the mind is so active this month, learning, publishing, advertising or broadcasting could feature prominently. Its the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 10th that fires you up and has you beaming with pride. At long last, a goal is fulfilled and a step toward a better life is taken!


health leo daily

Star 10/10

Todays planetary alignment gives you the ability to see yourself for the good, beautiful person that you are! If you have been tending to your needs and paying close attention to yourself (diet, exercise, and sleep) you will feel especially good. If you have been feeling guilty because youve been distracted and neglecting your body, such a benevolent aspect reaches deep into your core and spreads its healing rose-gold light.


health leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Todays planetary energy gives you assistance in exploratory thinking. The ability to recall early experiences or to examine body issues is enhanced by your critical thinking capacity. This aspect enhances our deepest emotions and registers every compliment and insult. Therefore, use this it to heighten your awareness of your body. A challenging yoga class will focus your mind and create space for new awareness to emerge. Dont push yourself, but stay on top of this exercise.


health leo weekly

Star 9/10

You might feel more tired and frazzled than usual. This could be a confusing week when it comes to your health, but dont worry too much. Go with the flow. It doesnt mean youll be useless, but it does mean that you need to pace yourself. Try to avoid stress and confrontation. Strive for balance and inner peace.


health leo monthly

Star 7/10

With a Lunar Eclipse in your sign on February 10, it might be just as well to take it easy for up to ten days before this date and about a week after. Dont pack your schedule, as your energy level could be lower. Allowing more time and space can help lessen the stress factor. Aside from this, you may have an urge to travel. If so, it might be wise to be a little bit careful when eating out, and watch out for your health overall. A mindful approach can be a powerful preventative if you keep it up.


love leo daily

Star 9/10

The current astrological aspect could expand your horizons considerably by producing the right kind of cosmic climate for an interesting meeting to take place. But you will need to recognize the opportunity when you see it. You will also need to take the initiative in introducing yourself and getting the conversation flowing. If you dont take action, nothing will happen - so what are you waiting for?


love leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

You can adapt to changes if you know about them in advance, and can slowly acclimatize to what is required of you. However, the potential of speedy transformation really makes your heart race. Nonetheless, the planetary constellation makes you very aware that just this is required of you within your current relationship. This can be completely positive, if approached in the right way.


love leo weekly

Star 9/10

What are your best moves? Do you prefer meeting face to face, or do you do better with texting or sending DMs on social media? Whatever the case may be, communication is important at the beginning of the week, so work on perfecting your style. You click with someone almost immediately over the weekend, which is really exciting. Moving quickly when it comes to getting physical isnt always a bad thing.


love leo monthly

Star 9/10

A Full Moon and Eclipse in your confident sign on February 10 can be both positive and negative. This can be an emotionally charged time, with the emphasis on your ego and how you interpret attraction and rejection. Staying humble is advised but might be hard to do. An edgy Mars/Pluto square on February 22 causes turbulent shifts in power. Youll have to learn to play follow-the-leader when you arent in a position to initiate things. A New Pisces Moon and Solar Eclipse on February 26 blind you to someone who may be trying to take advantage of you. Delay making confusing romantic decisions.


career leo daily

Star 10/10

Feel free to take on the role of the pioneer. Move with bravery into uncharted territory. Act out of faith instead of fear and you will be supported and rewarded for your efforts. If someone needs a new and innovative idea, you have it.


career leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Your thinking is right on target, but your concentration leaves quite a bit to be desired. Your ideas are good, but your application of them is not so good. Do your best to focus and implement your good ideas and you will be tremendously successful.


career leo weekly

Star 8/10

Things are jumping for you! Expect to be very busy with multiple assignments and plenty of conversation wherever you go. Theres a great deal of energy for an easy flow of good feeling that should help your morale. Attitude is everything now. Your ability to coordinate services and prove your worth is strong. This is a good time for any sort of staff meeting or group project. Appreciate and encourage creativity.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

The first half of February finds you leaving an old role. Instead of seeking a new position right away, take the time to consider what you really want from your professional life. Its possible youll benefit from entering a more creative field. Youve been blessed with considerable artistic ability. Getting paid to exercise this gift will be the answer to a prayer. Dont be surprised if youre given a bonus during the final days of the month. Someone who appreciates your exceptional performance is intent on rewarding you. This accolade could be used as a springboard to land a bigger and better position.



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